Duke Lacrosse Case: The Latest Outrage

But Duke University continues to mask over the inexcusable actions by Richard Brodhead, bringing shame and degradation to the school. Brodhead was never reprimanded, and he certainly was not fired from his $1.8 million a year job. Nor did he have the character or gumption to resign in disgrace. Rather, the Duke board issued statements praising Brodhead while paying out several millions in damages to the boys.

In a nauseating editorial this week in the Raleigh News and Observer, Duke University president Richard Brodhead is depicted as “used to working at elite levels,” which allegedly qualified him to receive one of the four 2013 Academic Leadership Awards bestowed by the left-leaning Carnegie Corporation to “exceptional leaders in higher education.”

Yet when Brodhead, who came to Duke in 2004 from Yale, was confronted with an opportunity to demonstrate genuine university leadership, he failed in dramatic style. It was Brodhead in 2006 who threw his own students to the wolves and took the word of a prostitute in the infamous Duke Lacrosse case. In a continuing and mystifying charade, he is lionized by the academic community at large in what appears to be an organized effort to obscure his incompetency and lack of ethics in the affair — and to create a politically correct verdict against the innocent students involved.

The scenario reads like this: although the three Lacrosse players ended up victims of a cabal of third rate radical professors, an incompetent and politically motivated prosecutor, and their fellow travelers in the Duke University and Durham, NC community, the bien pensants of the Left have orchestrated the permanent record in order to stain the lacrosse players in the court of public opinion despite their innocence and victimization. To Brodhead and his accomplices, the incident was an example of the ongoing class warfare by rich white males against guiltless minorities they prefer to believe is rampant.


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