What if It’s All True? by Roger L Simon

Nevertheless, in the wake of the serial lies about Obamacare, Benghazi, the IRS, Fast and Furious, media surveillance, the NSA, Syria, Iran, etc., etc., I’m now prepared to believe many things of which I might initially have been at least somewhat skeptical. To put it bluntly, Occam’s Razor has moved. Things that were once possibilities now seem almost certainties to me.

I have never been much of a conspiracy theorist. For me it was always Oswald by himself from the Texas School Book Depository and nothing in the intervening fifty years has disabused me of this notion. For the most part, I’m an Occam’s Razor kind of guy — the most obvious explanation is likely to be true.

Moreover, conspiracy theorists from Mark Lane to Jerome Corsi (more of him in a moment) have always seemed to me a little bit, well, off.

Maybe it’s the temper of the times, however, the incessant presidential lying recently unmasked, but a brief Washington Post article linked on the Drudge Report Tuesday caught me up short. The headline told much of the story — “Obama’s uncle contradicts White House, says Obama stayed with him in 1980s.”

Obama’s uncle is Onyango “Omar” Obama, 69, a Kenyan national who has been living illegally in this country for five decades. Omar, the manager of a liquor store, was caught driving under the influence recently and faced deportation. The judge apparently let him off. What’s interesting is that Omar testified during his trial that the future POTUS stayed at Onyango’s apartment in Cambridge in the 1980s while Barack attended Harvard Law. Obama has previously denied ever having even met Omar. But the Kenyan’s landlord corroborated under oath Barack Sr.’s brother’s testimony. The White House, as is its wont these days, isn’t commenting.


Complete text linked here.

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