Ukraine unrest: Talks due in bid to end protests

Talks between Ukraine’s government and opposition leaders are expected to begin on Monday following days of protests in the capital Kiev.

Parliamentary speaker Vlodymyr Rybak promised all sides would have an opportunity to express their opinions.

Protesters took to the streets over President Viktor Yanukovych’s refusal to sign a deal on closer EU ties. They say they want him to resign.

Early on Monday, hundreds of activists were still occupying city hall in Kiev.

Thousands more spent the night in Independence Square.

Protesters stormed city hall on Sunday while a huge anti-government rally was taking place in the capital.

Between 100,000 and 500,000 took part in the rally, defying a ban imposed the day before.

There were also clashes near the presidential building on Sunday.

Masked demonstrators firing flares were driven back by riot police using tear gas, batons and stun grenades.


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