Sexual violence in gang neighbourhoods is ‘like that in war zones’ with girls as young as 11 being groomed and raped

Warning came following shocking Children’s Commissioner report. It found girls as young as 11 are being systematically exploited and raped. Author adds that the ‘sheer levels of sadism’ uncovered is alarming. But abuse is rarely reported by victims as many believe it is ‘normal’.

Gang members pictured on the streets of Brixton, south London. A new report has found worrying levels of sexual violence in some neighbourhoods

Britain’s worst gang hit neighbourhoods are seeing levels of sexual violence as bad as in war zones, it was claimed today.

The warning came following the publication of a report for the Office of the Children’s Commissioner that found girls as young as 11 are being systematically groomed, exploited and raped.

Lead researcher Professor Jenny Pearce, of the University of Bedforshire, said: ‘In some areas the level of sexual violence and the types of violence inflicted are comparable to how sexual violence is used in war-torn territories.’

She added that the ‘sheer levels of sadism’ uncovered by the inquiry had been shocking.

The survey of 500 people aged between 13 and 28 gave examples of young women being forced into having sex.

One 18-year-old told researchers: ‘Once they’ve implemented that fear into them it’s easy to get what you want.’

The report also found many girls offer their bodies in exchange for ‘goods’ such as alcohol or drugs or to pay off a debt.

Others do it to gain what they think is respect among peers by being associated with popular or powerful individuals.


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