On Barbarism and Baby Mamas by Thomas Sowell

Among the painful signs of our time are TV programs built around paternity tests. Apparently the way these women live, it is anybody’s guess who their child’s father might be.

Many people take pride in defying the conventions of society. Those conventions of society are also known as civilization. Defying them wholesale means going back to barbarism. Barbarians with electronic devices are still barbarians.

After the government shutdown crisis, the one thing that congressional Democrats and Republicans finally agreed on was to kick the can down the road a few more months, so that we can go through all this again — and perhaps again after that.

One of the best peace speeches I ever read was one delivered back in the 1930s — by Adolf Hitler. He knew that peace speeches would keep the Western democracies from matching his military buildup with their own, or attacking him to prevent his buildup from continuing. Peace speeches by Iran today serve the same purpose of buying time — until they can create a nuclear bomb.

President Obama really has a way with words, such as calling the problems that millions of people have had trying to sign up for Obamacare “glitches.” When the Titanic sank, was that a “glitch”?


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