Norway’s Welcome Gift To Muslims: The Murder Weapon

Leader of the Conservative Party, Linda Catherine Hofstad, asked: ” Is it really necessary to give out a butcher knife which can also be used as a murder weapon?”

Every community has their own way of saying, “Welcome” to the new neighbors. Some do it with food gifts or toys for children. Some welcome neighbors with maps and useful locations in the new community. The styles vary, but the premise is always to make the new neighbors feel welcome and comfortable in their new habitat.

Which makes one wonder what was in the mind of the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (UDI), when at some point, they decided it would be appropriate to give Muslims … whose holy book advocates the killing of infidels (non-Muslims) … a 12 inch (30 cm) butcher’s knife, as a welcome gift.

Unless you’re hosting a Texas size BBQ, or you’re a member of the Electro House duo Knife Party, OR your name happens to be Norman Bates … I’m not sure you would have an urgent need for a butcher’s knife.

And believe it or not, the knives have been used in several murders in Norway … all traced back to the UDI gift.


Complete text linked here.

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