ICE Agents to Zuckerberg: ‘Suspend’ Immigration Lobbying, Meet with Us

While billionaire Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg is scheduled to appear on ABC News’s “This Week” on Sunday morning, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) National Council president Chris Crane is calling on Zuckerberg to suspend his amnesty lobbying efforts until he meets with law enforcement.

Crane, who represents about 7,000 ICE agents and support staff, made the call in a statement provided to Breitbart News exclusively. Crane referred to a letter he sent to CEOs pushing for amnesty, including Zuckerberg, in which he requested meetings with each of them to discuss the facts about immigration reform. Crane believes that Zuckerberg and those other CEOs are unaware of the effects pushing a bill like the Senate’s “Gang of Eight” immigration bill–or something like it from House GOP leadership–would have on the country’s safety.

Crane said in the statement, provided to Breitbart News on Saturday evening:

Earlier this month, we sent a letter to the major CEOs pushing a comprehensive immigration plan asking that they meet with ICE officers. One of those on the letter was Mark Zuckerberg, who has invested considerable time and money to get proposed legislation like the Gang of Eight bill signed into law. Mr. Zuckerberg ignored the letter and meeting request from ICE law enforcement and instead met with illegal immigrants. We therefore renew our request to meet with Mr. Zuckerberg and share firsthand the knowledge and experience of ICE officers and agents who witness every day the negative impact to public safety that occurs because ICE officers are prohibited from enforcing the nation’s immigration laws. The first question I would ask Mr. Zuckerberg would be: why did you support a bill, S. 744, which legalizes aliens with extensive criminal records, including sex offenders, gang members and other violent and dangerous criminal aliens? Until Mr. Zuckerberg meets with officers and learns the truth about our immigration system, I would respectfully suggest he suspend his lobbying activities.


Complete text linked here.

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