Allen West: America ‘on verge of race war?’

Points to black-mob violence plaguing more than 100 cities across nation.

The latest edition of Colin Flaherty’s book “White Girl Bleed A Lot: The Return of Racial Violence to America and How the Media Ignore It” continues to receive rave reviews from readers, including former Republican Rep. Allen West of Florida.

On his personal website, West, a tea-party favorite, wrote: “We were supposed to be living in a post-racial America since we elected the first ‘African-American’ president. But esteemed scholar Thomas Sowell fears we’re almost on the verge of a race war.”

More than 2,681 Facebook users shared West’s posting on their individual pages, and 5,174 people “liked” it as of 5:30 p.m. Eastern Time Friday.

West asked: “Are we on the verge of war?”

He answered, “I hope not, but just this past week in Brooklyn a white couple was attacked, dragged from their car and beaten by a black mob.”

West also pointed to the fatal beating of 86-year old World War II veteran Delbert Benton in Spokane, Wash., by two black males last month. Just two days ago in the Boston area, he noted, a 24-year-old white female teacher was brutally killed by a 14-year-old black male.

“Earlier this year, in my home state of Georgia, two teenage black males shot a baby in the face, after shooting the mother.”

West asked: “And where is the nonstop coverage?”


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