Scotland: The great Roma home giveaway

Roma gypsies arriving in Scotland as EU citizens are set to benefit from a ‘great homes giveaway’ courtesy of the taxpayer, the Sunday Express can reveal.

Officials are considering a plan to move them out of the slums into newly renovated social housing alongside Scottish families with rents at “much below market prices”.

Incredibly, migrants from eastern Europe may even be offered training and cash in order to construct their own self-build homes.

This is all despite the country facing a major housing shortage predicted to last 20 years, with thousands of young Scots unable to afford their own place to live.

Around 3,500 Roma migrants currently live in a few streets of ramshackle tenement blocks in Govanhill, in the south of Glasgow.

A new action plan prepared by city council officials states: “This number of Roma in Glasgow is likely to rise further as Romania’s full accession to the EU in January 2014 approaches and Romanian and Bulgarian residents’ rights align with other EU citizens.”

The report – which the council insists is only a “draft”, despite presenting it as a final document at a top level European conference – sets out dramatic measures to welcome new migrants after January 1.


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