Redistribution Topped $2 Trillion in 2012

“While progressive politicians pander to the dependent class in an effort to create perpetual Democrat voters, they see the rest of us – and our hard-earned money – as just the means to that end.”

When a campaigning Barack Obama confessed in 2008 he wanted to “spread the wealth around,” few could have predicted just how seriously he took the idea of income redistribution.

Falling under his umbrella promise of “fundamentally transforming the United States of America,” Obama has stayed true to his roots of class warfare by deciding how much of their own money the wealthy get to keep.

According to the Tax Foundation, a nonpartisan think tank in Washington, D.C., Obama’s policies led to more than $2 trillion in income being confiscated from those who earned it and redistributed via any number of entitlement programs.

While that staggering sum represents the capital taken from the top 40 percent of American earners and then given back to the bottom 60 percent, the affect was even more pronounced among the nation’s wealthiest taxpayers. Almost half of the total – around $1 trillion – came directly from the wealthiest 1 percent.


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