Greta Van Susteren reports on The Knockout Game (Video)

ONE murder already! I am begging African American leaders to speak up loudly! We need their leadership! No one will listen to me, so I am begging the role models to step up NOW as this is only going to get worse! CBS reports this is a fad – that means, it is spreading.

First, I have no idea if white teens are doing this horrible KNOCK OUT game (I hate to refer to it as a game) or not. (See the video.) If they are, they are to be condemned, too (of course!) And yes, they should not just be condemned, but arrested and prosecuted.

Because of what I see in this particular video, I call upon African Americans to urgently help since they have more influence on young African Americans than I will ever have. This video shows African American teens committing the assault. (And of course this does NOT mean all African American young people are involved!)

When someone dies from this cruel KNOCK OUT game (and it is not funny nor a game), it is MURDER. If the victim does not die, it is assault with intent to kill. It is mean. It is cruel. It also is terrible for the many good people in a community trying to live their lives. They are scared.

This is one of the worst stories I have ever read. I find it so horrible because the crime is gratuitous and portrayed as part of a game. You will also learn that this violence is not isolated — this is a well known crime in the community. Others, who are not involved, know about it – it appears to be a well known game (really, cruel crime.)


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