The Real War on Women–MSNBC Host: ‘P*ss’ and ‘S**t’ in Palin’s Mouth

Former Nightline anchor and MSNBC host Martin Bashir suggested Friday that someone should defecate and/or urinate in former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin’s mouth because she compared the federal debt to slavery.

Bashir said that, given what he believed to be Palin’s “reputation as a world-class idiot, it’s hardly surprising that she should choose to mention slavery in a way that is abominable to anyone who knows anything about its barbaric history.”

He gave an example in Thomas Thistlewood, an overseer of slaves at a major plantation in Jamaica in the 1700s. Bashir said that in his diary, Thistlewood wrote, “A slave named Darby catched eating canes; had him well flogged and pickled, then made Hector, another slave, s-h-i-t in his mouth.”

Bashir said this became known as “Darby’s dose, a punishment invented by Thistlewood that spoke only of the slave owner’s savagery and inhumanity.”


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