Rise in immigration may ‘overwhelm’ Scotland

An immigration-fuelled population boom is threatening to overwhelm Scotland and stretch its already creaking public services to breaking point.

The country will be hit with an influx of 380,000 migrants in the next 25 years as part of a nine per cent rise in population that will see the number of people in Scotland rise to 5.78 million by 2037.

Figures from the National Records of Scotland predict “a net inflow of 15,500 people per year” from 2018 onwards.

It is part of a wider trend in which the UK as a whole will see its population grow by 384,000 a year for the next 25 years, with the population crashing through the 73 million barrier by 2037.

The revelations come as the Daily Express continues its campaign to stop a new surge of European immigration to Britain. A staggering 15,000 readers a day have been signing our petition calling on the Government to keep in place controls on Bulgarian and Romanian workers coming here.

Critics have warned that the arrival of a volume of migrants that amounts to more than twice the population of Dundee will pile pressure on public services.

Tory health spokesman Jackson Carlaw said: “Scotland is an attractive place to come for migrants from all over the world who are important to the economy, because they help to meet shortfalls in the labour market.”


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