Rep. Rohrabacher: California is the model for the whole country, if amnesty passes

The cascade of economic troubles in California can be traced back to the 1986 amnesty. Politically, the Republican Party of California lost 50% of its legislative members. Rohrabacher says “it took about 10 years for the full impact to be felt,” but in the end it transformed California into a one-party, socialist state.

“If we have amnesty, the breakdown that has happened in California will be the model of what happens to the whole country,” said Republican Congressman Dana Rohrabacher, in an exclusive interview with SFPPR News & Analysis.

Should Congress grant amnesty, Rohrabacher, who represents Southern California’s 48th congressional district, projects that America will move in a more collectivist direction that will “erase our individualist and free enterprise system,” making the “nation much more Leftist and socialist.”

At the heart of the matter, Congressman Rohrabacher believes “the Left is very interested in changing our society and changing the fundamentals of our society,” where it “sees illegal immigration and ‘immigration reform’ as a means to transform our nation.” Barack Obama’s own words spoken on October 30, 2008 at a campaign rally in Columbia, Missouri come to mind, and they are instructive. The would-be president proclaimed, “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.”

Taken together, Obamacare and amnesty for illegal immigrants, indeed, would do just that and our Founders would find America unrecognizable.

Now that the government shutdown has been resolved, President Obama and Republican leaders are looking to bring so-called “immigration reform” back into the national discussion, much to the chagrin of conservative members of Congress, who view the establishment proposals as amnesty.


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