Obama $1 Mil Donor Hired to Fix Broken ObamaCare Website

“On Planet Washington, health care data is handled by well-connected government companies that do nothing else except lobby for contracts and then drastically overcharge while delivering a fourth-rate product. This isn’t the free market. It’s crony capitalism.”

Donald Trump proposed Google fixing Healthcare.gov. Amazon had reached out earlier. But that’s never going to happen in the real world. Not unless Google is prepared to spend serious lobbying cash on kickbacks and then inflate its estimates to cover the difference.


This isn’t the free market. It’s crony capitalism.

A tech firm linked to a campaign-donor crony of President Obama not only got the job to help build the federal health-insurance Web site — but also is getting paid to fix it.

Anthony Welters, a top campaign bundler for Obama and frequent White House guest, is the executive vice president of UnitedHealth Group, which owns the software company now at the center of the ObamaCare Web-site fiasco.

Welters and his wife, Beatrice, have shoveled piles of cash into Obama’s campaign coffers and ­apparently reaped the rewards.

Beatrice Welters bundled donations totaling between $200,000 and $500,000 for Obama’s campaign during the 2008 election ­cycle, according to campaign- ­finance data compiled by Center for Responsive Politics.

The couple then became top donors for Obama’s inauguration festivities, kicking in $100,000 out of their own pockets and bundling another $300,000 from friends and business associates, according to the center.


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