Former Secret Service Agent Warns: President Obama Sees Government as a ‘Shiny New Toy’

“It’s to the point where these scandals in and of themselves [that] would be huge, backbreaking scandals are just lot in the ‘scandal fog’ of this administration,” he said in disbelief. “It’s worse than people know; I’m not trying to scare you either.”

Bongino said that we’re “lost in the scandals,” from the IRS targeting conservative organizations to Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius “shaking down” the healthcare industry, among others.

“It’s to the point where these scandals in and of themselves [that] would be huge, backbreaking scandals are just lot in the ‘scandal fog’ of this administration,” he said in disbelief. “It’s worse than people know; I’m not trying to scare you either.”

Here are some of Bongino’s other positions, from the “Dan Bongino for Congress” website (you can click on the image to make it larger):

Beck and Bongino also spoke about the NSA and the U.S. government’s domestic surveillance programs.

“You give the government information, it will be abused,” Bongino warned flatly. “It is not a matter of if it will be abused, it’s only a matter of when.”

He added that while most will say “I have nothing to hide,” you do. Whether it’s something personal but not necessarily illegal, or some regulatory offense you didn’t even know you are committing, the government will get you if it wants to.


Complete text linked here.

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