Prediction: Here’s your future in Age of Obama

87% of ‘very conservative’ sound off on nation’s best days.

A new survey shows that more than three-quarters of Republicans and independents who vote in GOP primaries – including 87 percent who describe themselves as very conservative – are ready to write the nation’s epitaph, believing the best days for America now are long gone, never to return.

The poll, conducted for WND by Wenzel Strategies, also found 90.5 percent of the likely GOP primary voters believe the nation is on the wrong track.

Conducted Oct. 21-25, the telephone poll has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.32 percentage points.

Only 6.5 percent affirmed the path on which Obama is leading the U.S. The frustration peaked among those who describe themselves as very conservative. Among them, 98.1 percent said the president is off track. Even among those who described themselves as “very liberal,” more than 8 out of 10, 83.3 percent, said America is on the wrong track.


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