Columbian Gangs Abduct Young Girls and Auction Off Their Virginity

These cases are rarely brought to the attention of the police, because in the city’s “comunas,” or slums, the gangs are king. The Latin Post writes, “no one challenges them, not even authorities.”

Medellin, Colombia is the second largest city in Colombia, one that boasts a shiny, new image very different from its muddled past. However, this city in the valley still retains some of its dark secrets, according to the Latin Post.

Fox News Latino reports that Medellin’s street gangs sprung up following the death of Escobar, and they have begun an extremely vicious business — the gangs lure and kidnap girls as young as 10, only to auction off their virginity to the highest bidder.

Luis Pardo, Director of NGO Corporacion Consultoria de Conflicto Urabano, told The Independent, “They start drawing them [the girls] in with perks from a culture of high consumerism.”

Once under the gang’s influence, and ultimately their “protection,” few choices are left for the girls’ families and even fewer choices for the girls. The girls’ families can either accept money in exchange for their daughters or flee.

These cases are rarely brought to the attention of the police, because in the city’s “comunas,” or slums, the gangs are king. The Latin Post writes, “no one challenges them, not even authorities.”


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