44% of French people think that the FN is the party able to reform the country

The party of Marine Le Pen is seen by more and more French as a credible alternative to PS (Socialist Party) and UMP (Union for a Popular Movement, center-right), according to a CSA poll for Atlantico. Results favored by a very focused news on the themes of insecurity and immigration.

(Via Google Translate)

According to 44% of the French, the FN is the party able to reform the country, in the PS and UMP. Beyond a victory for the FN, can we speak of a defeat for the UMP, though the opposition party?

Yves-Marie Cann: We see through these results that the FN dominates the answers clearly. The political and media sequence is more favorable to the FN, in the sense that the issues that are on the political agenda is a fertile ground for him in terms of political dynamics. These results also illustrate the absence of undisputed leadership in the UMP and the fact that it is always a party recovering from his defeat in the presidential and legislative elections. The conflict between Jean Francois Cope Francois Fillon at the end of last year may also weigh in today’s representations of French and explain much of the observed results.

In politics, things change very quickly, what is measured here is not fixed. In a few months, in the event that the UMP could garner a number of victories in municipal elections next spring, it could engage in his favor a dynamic that could find effects on this type of question, allowing the UMP best embody the opposition to the executive and its capacity to reform French society.


Translated from the French article linked here.

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