Zimmerman Brother: Stop Al Sharpton

“If we want to defund Sharpton and force a Sharpton-shutdown, we will have to let our dollars do the talking and keep Sharpton’s sponsors on notice.”

Robert Zimmerman is the brother of George Zimmerman, the man pilloried by Al Sharpton as a supposed racist murderer of Trayvon Martin. The entire Zimmerman family had to go into hiding thanks to the media attention on the case. Now he speaks out at TruthRevolt. Sign the petition to tell Al Sharpton’s advertisers to stop supporting his race-baiting.

Al Sharpton has an extremely profitable business model that he has relied upon to garner him much wealth for decades. The Sharpton model relies almost exclusively on inciting racial discord while masquerading as a civil rights leader. Sharpton’s latest exploit was the case involving my brother George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin.

Days after the fatal encounter, attorneys retained by Trayvon’s parents with the help of a media strategist began making the case in the court of public opinion that a black child had been murdered in cold blood by a white man, and that the “white man” was simply excused without any investigation or consequence because he was white. Predictably, whenever Al Sharpton hears “white” and “black” used in the same sentence, he probably imagines that if he plays his cards just right, there is a fortune to be made.


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