Jewish Journal Editor Apologizes for ‘Tea-Hadist’ Cartoon After TruthRevolt Blowback

“We are especially sensitive to the impression many have that the cartoon somehow trivializes the horrific, real suffering wrought by Islamic terrorists.”

On Monday, after highlighted a ridiculous and insulting cartoon by Steve Greenberg, political cartoonist for the Jewish Journal, the editor of the Journal apologized for the cartoon. asked its followers to let the Journal know about the offensive cartoon, which depicted a Tea Partier, complete with tricorner hat and tea bag as well as Republican button, dressed as a suicide bomber with vest and detonator, stating, “Of course I don’t feel any regrets about the cost everyone will pay for my beliefs! After all, there are 72 virgins awaiting me!” The cartoon was labeled, “THE TEA-HADIST.”

After readers responded to the cartoon, the Jewish Journal editor, Rob Eshman, responded: “we are especially sensitive to the impression many have that the cartoon somehow trivializes the horrific, real suffering wrought by Islamic terrorists. That is clearly not Greenberg’s intention – and I offer my apology to anyone who sees the cartoon exclusively in that light.”


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