Parents Upset After Trayvon Martin Day Planned During Local Homecoming Week

Tensions have since eased and headlines have faded, but at Carrick High School, Martin’s memory has not. And to commemorate Martin, students planned to wear hoodies to make it a positive thing.

Parents were upset after Carrick High School approved a plan to have a Trayvon Martin theme day during the school’s homecoming.

The homecoming committee, and school voted and approved the theme which is part of school spirit week.

Parents were upset that kids were being encouraged to wear hoodies to school during the Wednesday theme.

The 17-year-old’s shooting death let loose a firestorm of protests in February of 2012. Trayvon Martin was shot and killed by George Zimmerman in February 2012 in Sanford, Florida.

Tensions have since eased and headlines have faded, but at Carrick High School, Martin’s memory has not. And to commemorate Martin, students planned to wear hoodies to make it a positive thing.

But it was not seen as positive by all.

“I am a little worried about that with the different people, how they’re going to react,” said parent Jennifer Kagle.


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