Mexico is now the world’s No. 1 distributor of child pornography

Until Mexican laws are drastically changed and then enforced, that nation’s children will continue to be exploited in the most sickening manner.

Last week, Mexican Senator Gabriela Cuevas addressed a conference on child exploitation, “Combatting Child and Adolescent Pornography,” and announced that at least 85,000 Mexican children have been forced into child pornography.

Mexico has recently become the world’s largest distributor of child pornography, according to Mexican officials.

Jacobo Bello, coordinator for the federal police’s electronic crimes unit, also attended the conference and provided a very sobering fact…

While there were roughly 11,000 documented cases of child pornography in Mexico, during 2012, a mere 16 individuals were actually arrested in those cases.

Why so few arrests?

Mexico’s current laws do not require internet service providers to hand over information to law enforcement on users who regularly distribute child pornographic images, making investigations very difficult.

There are also more than 1,300 Mexican websites devoted to the distribution of child pornography, according to La Jornada.

Since the drug cartels branched out into the human smuggling business, thousands of young girls have disappeared throughout Mexico. Most of them are forced into prostitution in both Mexico as well as the United States, but many have undoubtedly also been used in the growing child pornography business.


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