Court Filing: Fox Sports Ordered Craig James Firing over Belief in Traditional Marriage

Lawyers have initiated court action against Fox Sports for the network’s firing of Craig James, reportedly because of James’ traditional Christian belief that marriage is between a man and woman. Legal papers specifically call out Fox Sports’ Co-President Eric Shanks, who James claims made “the Godfather call” to terminate him.

Fox Sports took James off the air, with the Dallas Morning News quoting a Fox spokesperson saying, “We just asked ourselves how Craig’s statements would play in our human resources department. He couldn’t say those things here.”

The statements in question were made when James was running as a candidate for U.S. Senate in 2012, not on air during any sports broadcast. Yesterday, Fox Sports contradicted its earlier statement, claiming that James was fired because the decision to hire him was “not properly vetted” and James was “not a good fit for Fox Sports.”

Lawyers at Liberty Institute, a Texas-based law firm specializing in First Amendment litigation representing James, sent a letter to Fox Sports demanding they reinstate James.

Today, Hiram Sasser at Liberty Institute filed a Rule 202 motion for pre-litigation discovery in Texas court. As Sasser explained to Breitbart News, “This filing is an extraordinarily powerful tool to quickly get to the bottom of this situation.” Rule 202 also allows a judge to take expedited action and order depositions within weeks.


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