University of Kansas Suspends Prof Who Blamed NRA Members for Navy Yard Shooting

Prof. David Guth blamed NRA members for the Navy Yard Shooting last week and asked God to condemn gun owners and their children to death! This week, Guth isn’t teaching anymore…at least not yet.

Now that Guth’s vitriolic twitter message and blog post has drawn national attention, University of Kansas’ leaders have suspended the anti-gun journalism professor, reports Campus Reform.

The school chancellor, Bernadette Gray-Little, argued that Guth pushed the boundaries of civil debate too far with his controversial tweet. He stated:

“The contents of Professor Guth’s tweet were repugnant and in no way represent the views or opinions of the University of Kansas. It is truly disgraceful that these views were expressed in such a callous and uncaring way. We expect all members of the university community to engage in civil discourse and not make inflammatory and offensive comment.”


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