US Embassy worker’s wife killed in Kenya mall massacre: At least 59 dead and 175 injured at the hands of Al-Qaeda linked terrorists

Kenyan security forces are locked in a stand-off with the terrorists more than 24 hours after they began shooting. Somalian terrorist group al Shabaab, which has links to al Qaeda, claimed responsibility for the attack which they live-blogged on Twitter. Terrorist organization released a statement saying it warned Kenya to remove troops from Somalia. Two gunman have been killed by authorities, as many as eight more remain with one believed to be a woman.

Fleeing to safety: A soldier directs people up stairs inside the Westgate shopping mall after a shootout in Nairobi, Kenya

The wife of a U.S. embassy worker has been killed in a terror attack on a Kenyan shopping mall which left at least 59 people dead, authorities said today.

Four Americans are also among the 175 wounded in the attack by Al-Qaeda-linked Islamic extremists, who burst into an upmarket mall in Nairobi used by Westerners and opened fire after reportedly allowing Muslims to flee.

The State Department confirmed that the wife of a foreign national employed by the US embassy had been killed. Reuters had earlier reported that the deceased was the wife of a U.S. diplomat.

Up to 15 hostages are still trapped inside the mall, more than 24 hours after the attack began around noon on Saturday. The latest reports on Sunday said up to 15 terrorists were scattered throughout the multistory center and that military forces had not yet gained control of the situation.


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