Feds: NY man active in immigration reform arrested on child porn charge

In June, the New York Daily News ran an article about Naim’s work with a children’s advocacy group on a game for children based on the immigrant experience.

An activist for immigration reform was arrested and arraigned on child pornography charges in Brooklyn federal court Wednesday.

Roy Naim, 29, pleaded not guilty to a count of receiving child pornography, and was denied bail by Judge Joan M. Azrack.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Saritha Komatireddy argued Naim was a risk to the community as his alleged crimes involved children, and he sometimes worked with a youth advocacy group and volunteered at a camp for children. She added he was a flight risk as he has no real job and isn’t a citizen of the country.

Naim’s attorney, Richard A Finkel, countered that his client was a respected member of his community, and told the court how Naim, who was mentioned in a 2012 Time magazine article on immigration reform, volunteered for many charities and had become a relatively well-known activist on immigration.

Finkel continued to explain that Naim did not work because he spent most of his time “helping others” and studying with rabbis.

His family works hard, Finkel said, but they have little money and own no property.


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