Revealed: Organised crime gangs flooding internet with killer fake drugs and everyday products (Europe)

European politicians will meet in Strasbourg today to decide on a continent-wide strategy to tackle the estimated 3600 active cyber crime groups.

Organised crime gangs are producing fake pharmaceutical drugs and everyday products such as washing powder.

And an MEP has warned that the bogus drugs and goods are claiming lives.

Euro politicians in Strasbourg will today vote on a continent-wide strategy to combat cross-border crime.

Lib Dem MEP Bill Newton Dunn wants to see a EU commissioner appointed to fight organised crime.

He said: “The amount of fake drugs coming in is gigantic.

“Some of these fake pharmaceuticals are so good that when you go into a reputable high-street chemist, you can’t be certain that what you buy is 100 per cent safe. But chemists never tell you that because public confidence would crash.

“Some of the fake pharmaceuticals are bland but others are killing people.”

European law enforcement agency Europol say the multi-billion pound fake pharmaceuticals industry is driven by the internet. The agency estimate there are at least 3600 internationally active organised crime groups who make billions by exploiting smartphone and internet technology.

They have formed a new unit in response to the counterfeit boom.


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