Student Protesters Rip 2,977 American Flags Out of Ground at 9/11 Memorial

More than 200 colleges and high schools across the nation participated in Young America’s Foundation’s 9/11: Never Forget Project. Students came together to establish an American flag memorial on campus consisting of 2,977 flags representing each person murdered in the terrorist attacks. Unfortunately, five student protesters at Middlebury College ripped the flags out of the ground before 3:00 pm.

The 9/11: Never Forget Project has been an annual nonpartisan event at Middlebury College for the past ten years. By participating in the 9/11: Never Forget Project, students honor the victims of the attacks, as well as honor the American principles for which they died.

Middlebury student groups spent nearly two hours setting up the flag display yesterday morning. The protesters told Ben Kinney, president of the conservative club on campus, they were “confiscating” the flags in protest of “America’s imperialism.”

The protesters refused to compromise with the students because the flags were supposedly located on an “Indian burial ground and you can’t have anything penetrating the Earth.”

By removing the display of 2,977 flags, not only did the five protesters disrespect their fellow students who worked hard on setting up the display, but they also took away the chance for other students to remember the victims of the horrific attacks 12 years ago.


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