‘For Trayvon’ becomes theme of beatings

Clash between teen, neighborhood watchman, inspires violence against innocent

The cry “For Trayvon” has become a theme in violent attacks against innocent people who happened to be in the presence of someone seeking revenge for the shooting death of Florida black teen Trayvon Martin.

It’s an alarming trend, says Roger Clegg, president of the Center for Equal Opportunity.

“A pattern of racially motivated attacks is cause for serious concern,” he said. “And the evidence of racism is much stronger in these instances than in the Trayvon Martin case itself.”

Since Martin was killed by neighborhood watch volunteer George Zimmerman in February 2012, there have been at least eight attacks in which the perpetrators reportedly invoked Martin’s name. Zimmerman was acquitted by a six-member, all-female jury last month that concluded he was acting in self-defense. The most recent case of violence against an innocent victim was the murder of white college student Christopher Lane in Oklahoma.


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