Breitbart News to Broadcast DC ‘Exempt America’ Rally

On Tuesday, September 10, Breitbart News will broadcast the blockbuster “Exempt America” rally for defunding Obamacare that will take place on Capitol Hill as Congress returns from its August recess.

Breitbart News Executive Chairman Stephen K. Bannon will co-host the program with Breitbart News Managing Editor Alex Marlow and Breitbart’s Sonnie Johnson. It will be live-streamed on from 10 AM EDT to approximately 3PM EDT.

Sens. Mike Lee (R-UT), Ted Cruz (R-TX), and Rand Paul (R-KY) will headline the event. Other speakers will include Jenny Beth Martin, the co-founder of Tea Party Patriots, Brent Bozell of ForAmerica, Rep. Steve King (R-IA), Citizens United President David Bossie, Michael Needham of Heritage Action, and Herman Cain.

The broadcast will begin with pre-game interviews at 10 AM EDT and cover the slate of speakers scheduled to speak between noon and 2 PM EDT. There will also be a wrap-up show after the event concludes with Bannon, Marlow, and Johnson.

The rally will be the culmination of a multi-day and state “Exempt America” tour by Tea Party Patriots and ForAmerica. Senators like Lee and Cruz have insisted that the House of Representatives use its leverage to pass a resolution that funds the government except for Obamacare. They have said conservatives should go to the American people and “win the argument” by convincing Americans that Democrats and President Barack Obama would rather shut down the government than extend the same exemptions they gave to special interests and big corporations to the American people.


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