Muslim Rape Gangs Targeting Sikh Children, Says BBC’s Inside Out Documentary

Coordinator Jagjir Singh, 31, said: “Sikhs feel like it’s happening and they don’t have the resources to deal with it. Also, the police don’t have the resources to deal with it.”

Sikhs feel angry and powerless against grooming of children by sex gangs

A TV documentary has exposed the grooming of Sikh children for sexual abuse allegedly by mainly Muslim paedophile gangs.

The BBC’s Inside Out will broadcast a 30-minute investigation into the abuse of Sikh girls, following the jailing last week of a grooming gang for a raft of child sex offences.

It follows disquiet among Sikhs in the Midlands over alleged sex crimes against youngsters by organised gangs operating a network of contacts and premises to carry out abuse.

Tensions boiled over earlier this year when a curry restaurant in Leicester was attacked by around 50 men, after a 16-year-old Sikh girl was abused in a flat attached to the property.

Sikh men brandishing clubs and knives attacked the Moghul Durbar restaurant, leaving three people with stab wounds and the premises ransacked. A judge condemned the violence as “mob rule” and “lawless anarchy.”

Six men, including five Muslims, were jailed last week after they were found guilty of operating a sex ring from the property attached to the restaurant.


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