Buchanan: Black leadership must address ‘outrage and this phenomenon’ of black-on-white racism

“All of these things took place in that decade, and the idea from Rev. Sharpton that we had not changed, or the others up there, this is part of a great racket,” Buchanan said. “What would these folks do if they had to get up there and admit ‘We have got more opportunities than any large group of black folks anywhere on Earth today and our community is not making the most of it?’”

On Laura Ingraham’s radio show on Monday, conservative author and columnist Pat Buchanan, an attendee of the 1963 March on Washington, took on some of the claims made in last weekend’s 50th anniversary march, saying that they missed a lot of the problems plaguing the society.

“Folks like the Rev. Sharpton and the others, I mean, this is their stock and trade — the grievance industry — that ‘We have not been given enough,’ they’re still being abused,” he said. “And they’ve seized lately, of course, upon the Trayvon Martin case, which was a matter in serious dispute, after a fight, that someone was shot. You know, Marx, Karl Marx — and I don’t usually quote him, Laura — he said that history repeats itself first as tragedy and then as farce. And I think that’s what we saw up there at the Lincoln Memorial.”

Buchanan, author of “Suicide of a Superpower: Will America Survive to 2025?,” recounted being at the original March on Washington, reminding listeners that Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech wasn’t even covered by The Washington Post the next day. And he noted that while there were strides made during the civil rights era, it was still fraught with race riots and incendiary language from some black leaders, including Malcolm X.


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