Ebony Magazine Ramps-up War on Whites

The public needs to hold Ebony’s owners and editors responsible for inciting violence. If we can blame hate-filled videos, the schools, poverty and rap for these crimes, why not add these race hustlers to the list.

The September issue of Ebony magazine has four tribute covers to Trayvon Martin with the headline “We are all Trayvon–Join the Movement to Save our Sons.”

The first cover has Tracy Martin and Sybrina Fulton with Trayvon’s brother Jahvaris looking like the million bucks they got in the settlement from the Twin Lakes Homeowner’s Association.

The other three covers feature director Spike Lee, model actor Boris Kodjoe, and NBA star Dwayne Wade along with their respective sons, all wearing hoodies.

We can be sure the vultures at Ebony won’t feel any pangs of conscience for their complicity in using pampered, rich kids to encourage more Trayvon Martins to go after white people.

Read this shameless rot from their website.

It’s hard to believe that it was only 18 months ago that we lost Trayvon Martin. In the explosive time since that fateful night, February 26, 2012, generations of Black America have come to terms with the fact that we live in a country that often eats its young-our young.

To be 17, Black and male, specifically, is tantamount to a crime, so said the actions of a certain George Zimmerman, Trayvon’s killer. After an emotional trial in the state of Florida, so too, it seems, said a jury of Zimmerman’s peers.

African-Americans across the country clenched their hearts at the news of Zimmerman’s acquittal. Our president-a man who could have been Trayvon’s father-spoke plainly about the pain of racial profiling and the injustices faced by Black males in this country.

What now? What now?


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