Gutierrez: Boehner a ‘Friend and Ally’ in Immigration Reform Fight

Congressman Luis Gutierrez (D – IL) told Breitbart News on Wednesday he thinks Speaker John Boehner (R – OH) supports passing a comprehensive immigration reform bill.

“I think Speaker Boehner wants comprehensive immigration reform. He wants a solution to the problem. I think he’s for comprehensive immigration reform,” said Gutierrez, a long time amnesty advocate. “He’s for a complete package, I believe. That’s what he has said. My meeting with him last week leads me to no other conclusion but to affirm that.”

Speaker Boehner told his Republican conference he would not move any immigration bill to the floor without the majority support of his party. Congressman Tim Huelskamp (R – KS) told Brietbart News on Tuesday that the Speaker would be “going back on his word” if he did otherwise.

Boehner told his GOP colleagues Wednesday morning that regardless of what the Senate does, the House will draft its own bill through regular order.


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