Slain dispatcher’s mother to speak on bill

“Her story is incredibly intense and just shows the failure of the system where this guy can commit crime after crime — serious crimes — and nothing happens to him,” Don Rosenberg said.

Moreno Valley resident Sabine Durden, mother of former Riverside County Sheriff’s dispatcher Dominic Durden, shows the personalized license plate that she put on Dominic’s car after he was killed in a July 12, 2012 collision with an undocumented immigrant with criminal convictions and no driver’s license. Durden will testify befor a House of Representatives committee on June 13, 2013, as it considers an immigration bill.

Sabine Durden is frightened of microphones and doesn’t like speaking in front of a crowd.

But Durden said she will testify before the House Judiciary Committee when it takes up an immigration bill Thursday, June 13, because it’s another opportunity to tell her son Dominic’s story.

HR 2278, the Strengthen and Fortify Enforcement Act, is co-sponsored by Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., and Trey Gowdy, R-S.C. Among the bill’s provisions, it adds a new category to the Immigration and Nationality Act’s list of serious offenses under which undocumented immigrants could be deported: those with two or more convictions for driving while intoxicated.

Although any undocumented immigrant could be deported at any time, President Barack Obama’s policy puts a priority on deporting those who commit serious crimes.

Dominic Durden, 30, was a Riverside County sheriff’s dispatcher who was killed in a collision in July 2012 when Juan Zacarias Tzun made a left turn in front of Durden’s motorcycle on Pigeon Pass Road in Moreno Valley.


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