The Swiss are serious about culture, law and borders. In 2010 they voted for automatic deportation for foreign criminals. In 2009, voters approved a measure to ban minarets, where posters showed a Muslim woman in a burqa. Swiss apparently don’t buy the diversity propaganda, having experienced Islamic cultural enrichment firsthand.
There’s nothing like a strong vote against asylum fraud to brighten one’s day. The sensible Swiss have said they have had enough of foreigners plopping themselves down in Switzerland and demanding the full trough of the nation’s generous asylum benefits. The national referendum passed with 79 percent of voters approving more restrictive asylum provisions.
The Swiss sign below says “Now is enough! Stop mass immigration.”
An interesting aspect is how many of the asylum grifters are draft dodgers from Eritrea, a nation which supplied the largest number of wanna-be asylees last year.
The Swiss are serious about culture, law and borders. In 2010 they voted for automatic deportation for foreign criminals. In 2009, voters approved a measure to ban minarets, where posters showed a Muslim woman in a burqa. Swiss apparently don’t buy the diversity propaganda, having experienced Islamic cultural enrichment firsthand.
Naturally, Al Jazeera’s coverage focused on the earnest asylum seekers, although it let slip that the surge was “attributed in part to the Arab Spring uprisings.” Wait, why aren’t the strapping young men fighting for freedom in their beloved homelands? Because it’s easier to mooch.