Victor Davis Hanson: Conspiracy theories may be justified

Who knows, but yesterday’s wacky conspiracist is becoming today’s Nostradamus.

Dr. Kermit Gosnel, a Philadelphia abortion doctor convicted of killing three babies who were born alive in his clinic, agreed to give up his right to an appeal and faces life in prison but will be spared a death sentence.

Government is so huge, powerful and callous that citizens risk becoming proverbial serfs without the freedoms guaranteed by the founders.

Is that perennial fear an exaggeration? Survey the news.

We have learned that the Internal Revenue Service before the 2012 election predicated its tax-exempt policies on politics. It inordinately denied tax exemption to groups considered either conservative or possibly antagonistic to the president’s agenda.

If the supposedly nonpartisan IRS is perceived as scoring our taxes based on our politics, then the entire system of trust in self-reporting is rendered null and void. Worse still, the bureaucratic overseer at the center of the controversy, Sarah Hall Ingram, now runs the IRS division charged with enforcing compliance with the new Obamacare requirements.


The problem with an all-powerful, rogue government is not just that it becomes quite adept at doing what it should not. Increasingly, it also cannot even do what it should.

Philadelphia abortionist Dr. Kermit Gosnell may well turn out to be the most lethal serial murder in U.S. history. His recent murder conviction gave only a glimpse of his carnage at the end of a career that spanned more than three decades. Yet Gosnell operated with impunity right under the noses of Pennsylvania health and legal authorities for years, without routine government health code and licensing oversight.


Complete text linked here.

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