Temps win $334,000 settlement in reverse-discrimination case

PBM agreed to settle the dispute before the case made it to court. In addition to the monetary payout, PBM must annually train its managers and supervisors on national-origin discrimination and post a notice informing employees of the settlement.

PBM Graphics, a Research Triangle printing firm, has agreed to settle a national-origin EEOC discrimination claim filed by temporary workers who claim the firm unfairly favored His­­panic temps over non-Hispanics.

According to the complaint, PBM divided its temporary workforce into a core group and a group that was only used as needed. The workers claimed the core group, which re­­­ceived more regular work and better assignments, was disproportionately Hispanic. The as-needed group was largely non-Hispanic.

EEOC investigators found that the group assignments had little to do with the workers’ skills or experience. In fact, they appeared to be organized mainly according to the workers’ national origins.


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