Red Chinese Spies Are Welcomed to America by Business and Universities

For once, I think The Five’s resident liberal Bob Beckel has it right about something: Red China is a big threat, and it’s wrong to envision its recent hacking activities as distance espionage only: Chinese are the largest cohort of international students and some stay around and work in defense industries, like naturalized PRC guy Chi Mak, who was convicted of spying in 2007.

It is crazy to educate our enemies, be they Red Chinese or Islamic. America has more enemies than anybody, but Washington pretends otherwise to please business and university interests. Our national security is severely endangered by short-term economic choices, like colleges welcoming full-tuition students from dangerous nations like Saudi Arabia and Red China.

Here’s the Washington Post article from Tuesday that stirred up the interest in China’s theft of America’s military secrets:

Confidential report lists U.S. weapons system designs compromised by Chinese cyberspies, Washington Post, May 27, 2013

Designs for many of the nation’s most sensitive advanced weapons systems have been compromised by Chinese hackers, according to a report prepared for the Pentagon and to officials from government and the defense industry.

Among more than two dozen major weapons systems whose designs were breached were programs critical to U.S. missile defenses and combat aircraft and ships, according to a previously undisclosed section of a confidential report prepared for Pentagon leaders by the Defense Science Board.


Video and complete text linked here.

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