Spitting hatred on YouTube: Thousands of terror videos urging British Muslims to maim and kill can be found within seconds online

Hate lectures praising murder of drummer Lee Rigby in Woolwich accessible on YouTube. Mail investigation found footage of beheadings, Al Qaeda training videos and hate sermons online.

Hate preacher Omar Bakri Mohammed praised the alleged Woolwich killer Michael Adebolajo as a ‘courageous hero’

Thousands of vile terror videos urging British Muslims to maim and kill can still be found on the internet within seconds.

An investigation by the Mail has found an alarming number of Al Qaeda training videos and hate-filled sermons still being screened on the hugely popular film sharing website YouTube.

This is despite YouTube’s claims that it has ‘community guidelines’ that prohibit ‘dangerous or illegal activities such as bomb making, hate speech and incitement to commit violent acts’ and only accepts ‘religious’ films.

Eric Schmidt, executive chairman of YouTube-owner Google, has said he would allow extremist websites to continue being listed because he believes it can help police track potential terrorists.

‘We cannot prima facie identify evil and take it down,’ he said at the Hay literary festival. ‘We have taken the decision that information, if it’s legal, even if it’s despicable, will be indexed.’

He went on to argue that extremists are usually possible to detect through their internet activity and that their online presence can sometimes help.


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