The media is giving oxygen to a bizarre facet to the Boston terror bombings: The strange movement of young teen girls who seem to have a Bierber-like crush on Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. The #FreeJahar movement on social media is gaining steam on Facebook , Twitter and Tumbler, and the media is now focusing on the young women and giving them 15 minutes of fame for their disturbed attraction.
Yes i like Justin Bieber and i like Jahar but that has nothing to do with why i support him. I know hes innocent, he is far too beautiful.
— OMG Free Jahar! (@FreeJahar97) April 25, 2013
The New York Post had a feature on a Kansas teen named Alisha and her plan to tattoo one of Tsarnaev’s tweets:
The swooning teens will not accept allegations that the bushy-haired college kid — whom they refer to by his nickname, “Jahar” — and his brother, Tamerlan, 26, killed three and maimed hundreds by setting off bombs at the April 15 race and killed an MIT police officer during the ensuing manhunt.
While some scrawl the hashtag “#FreeJahar” on their hands with markers, an 18-year-old in Topeka, Kansas, is going to the extreme — she wants the Dzhokhar’s words inked on her arm forever.