Palin to CNN: Americans See Through Your Bias

Former Alaska governor and Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin recently blistered CNN, the floundering mainstream media cable news network, and said the network’s ratings are plummeting because CNN tries to fool Americans into believing the network is objective while its segments and reporting suggest otherwise.

Palin said CNN’s biases combined with the network’s disingenuous facade of objectivity have repelled voters, which is why the network’s last-place ratings are not matching those of its competitors.

“American viewers are smarter than you assume, and we simply want truth in reporting,” Palin wrote in her Facebook post.

Palin mentioned that last week CNN refused to disclose the author of an article that misconstrued Palin’s remarks at CPAC, John Avlon, is a founder of a political group, No Labels, that aims to elect as many moderate Republicans as possible. No Labels is a direct competitor to conservative grassroots organizations and is threatened by those like Palin, who, as Ted Cruz and Jim DeMint have noted, has the most influence when endorsing Republican candidates.

Palin referenced the Breitbart News article that debunked Avlon’s piece and noted the falsehoods in it. She said Blitzer’s recent coverage of the story was “blisteringly dishonest” because “he didn’t reach out to me or the SarahPAC staff for rebuttal” and “failed to disclose the anti-tea party associations of the ‘architect’ of this story.”


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