Bozell Blasts GOP Leaders In CPAC Speech: ‘You Are Not What You Promised To Be’ (Conservative)

“Paul Ryan, you’re a good man and you mean well, and good for you for your courage trying to reform Medicare and rid us of Obamacare. But your proposed budget that has the federal government spending $41 TRILLION over the next ten years, with more and more and more spending increases every single year, and assumes all the oppressive Obamacare taxes. Congressman, that’s what liberal Democrats do, not us.”

Addressing the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) today in his role as chairman of ForAmerica, Media Research Center Pres. Brent Bozell blasted Republican leaders for their lack of conservative behavior.

In particular, Bozell rebuked Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.) for his budget, Gov. Haley Barbour for his barbs against conservatives, and House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) for funding Obamacare:

“So what do we conservatives believe? What is a conservative?

“Throughout this wonderful conference so many very good leaders have discussed this so eloquently. Another discussion is unnecessary. Instead, let me tell you first what a conservative isn’t.”


Complete text linked here.

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