The patriotic American education that all kids got a few decades ago is fast disappearing. Schools used to be a basic part of the acculturation machine, but now they work against the project of patriotic assimilation. The curriculum today is diversity, relativism of values and the evil of America.
The corruption of our school system should be a more important issue than it is. For one thing, the Republican Party should regard leftist multicultural indoctrination of American and immigrant children a top concern — certainly more important that rewarding lawbreaking foreigners with amnesty. A Hispanic-focused reward trough won’t gain any votes for Rs; the problem is far too entrenched for that.
The patriotic American education that all kids got a few decades ago is fast disappearing. Schools used to be a basic part of the acculturation machine, but now they work against the project of patriotic assimilation. The curriculum today is diversity, relativism of values and the evil of America. Kids are taught to be leftist citizens of the world and to be ashamed of American history. No wonder only 21 percent of Hispanics self-identify as Americans.
Nearly every day brings some classroom horror story, like the forced recitation of the Mexican pledge of allegiance to the Mexican flag in McAllen, Texas. A 15-year-old American girl was punished for not pledging loyalty to Mexico and a lawsuit has been filed.
This week it was reported that girls were urged to wear burqas in a geography class in Lumberton, Texas. The same high school class was told that Muslim terrorists were actually freedom fighters. For some reason, parents had a problem with that.