“The truth is that the Democratic Party has been the engineer of the destruction of black Americans, and everyone knows it except the very people who need to know it the most – black Americans.” Ted Nugent
It’s been said that history is written by the winners. It that’s true, black Americans won’t be doing any writing as it pertains to this era in America.
With February being Black History Month, historians looking back at this timeframe studying black Americans will judge it as a complete and total disaster. And they won’t blame President Bush.
Barack Obama, the guy who received roughly 93 percent of black American votes, is the clear and present engineer of the destruction of black America.
It’s not all the president’s fault, but the economic and social policies he endorses are destroying what is left of a once proud and strong black America.
As a MotorCity Motown guy whose gravity-defying career pivots on my intense adulation for my black musical heroes, it pains me deeply to witness this self-inflicted destructo derby. The destruction of blacks has been engineered by President Obama’s party for at least the last 50 years. The New Deal was a raw deal, and The Great Society experiment didn’t turn out to be so great after all. It has been an unmitigated disaster for black Americans.
Today, the unemployment rate for adult black Americans is twice that of white Americans. Teenage black unemployment is at a staggering 40 percent.
The high school drop out rate for black Americans in some inner cities is above 50 percent. Only 66 percent of black youth graduate from high school – the lowest in the country.