How Washington DC’s Illegal Alien Friendly Policies Promote Gang Violence and Child Rape

If Barack Obama really wants to see victimized children, he doesn’t have to travel to Connecticut. He doesn’t even have to leave Washington D.C.

While Obama and the Gang of 8 dream of Amnesty, their dreaming illegal alien street gangs are taking over parts of the nation’s capital and transforming them into another Caracas or Ciudad Juarez. America under Obama is becoming a banana republic in more ways than one.

For years violent street gangs, especially the MS-13 or Mara Salvatrucha, have operated lucrative prostitution enterprises in the District of Columbia area. Federal authorities have confirmed in recent years that most members of the notoriously violent MS-13 are illegal immigrants with active criminal records, most of them Mexican nationals, followed by Salvadorans and Hondurans.

But local sanctuary policies—such as those in place in D.C. and the area surrounding it—present the biggest obstacle to combating gang violence and the illicit businesses they operate. In fact, a 2008 study sanctioned by the Department of Justice (DOJ) confirmed this, explaining that don’t-ask-don’t-tell immigration policies in sanctuary cities shield deportable violent criminals, especially gangbangers, from federal authorities.

This appears to be fueling the underage sex-trafficking business in the metro D.C. area. In recent years the feds have busted a number of rings, but there are countless others in a region where sanctuary policies force cops to operate with one hand tied behind their backs.


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