Watch the Wild Vid of Islamists Protesting in England: ‘Shariah Is an Inevitability’

“The Islamic movement will become a system of life under your nose. Your wife, French women, the people of France, will live under the Islamic movement, even if you don’t like it. We will collect the jizya poll tax.” an Islamist speaking in French threatened.

The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) posted unbelievable video Sunday of Islamists rallying in England a little over one week ago to protest the French intervention in Mali.

The chants of the Islamists, though, appear to target the West in its entirety. Far from objecting to French foreign policy, the speakers repeatedly threaten that an Islamic caliphate will begin in Africa and the Middle East, but will eventually spread to “the whole world.”

“We will not stop as Muslims until the whole world is governed by Islam,” one man says evenly and calmly.

The video begins with a bearded individual leading chants, saying things like “Shariah for Mali! Jihad for Mali!” and “Allah Akbar!”

Soon, though, he launches into a more informative speech.

“We got rid of some of our dictators– Ben Ali, Mubarak, and al-Qadhafi. But now it’s time for the dictators in Mali, in Pakistan, in Bangladesh, and all over Muslim lands to be removed and replaced by the shariah, by Islam,” he states.


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