Louis Farrakhan On ‘Django Unchained’ Motive: “It’s Preparation For Race War”

He outlined the plot of the film, in which freed slave Django (Jamie Foxx) kills the slavers while on a bloody mission to rescue his wife (Kerry Washington) who is being held by a devious plantation owner (Leonardo DiCaprio) and his top slave (Samuel Jackson).

Quentin Tarantino and Jamie Foxx

Quentin Tarantino’s controversial movie, Django Unchained, has drawn strong reactions for mashing up a spaghetti western with a slave narrative. Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, has upped the ante with a take on the film that moves beyond historical context and into perceived present-day threats.

“To me, the movie had a purpose,” he said. “If a black man came out of that movie thinking like Djngo and white people came out of that movie seeing the slaughter of white people and they are armed to the teeth, it’s preparation for a race war.”

While Spike Lee, the most vocal of the films detractors called the film “disrespectful to my ancestors,” Farrakhan said he doesn’t see the film in the same light as Lee.

“I always try to watch a film and ascertain what is the motive of the writer and the producer,” he told Your Black World, “Not the actor … Every actor in that film, in my humble judgement, played their part.”


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