Bob Costas is dead wrong by Ted Nugent

Just a few years ago, a drunk NFL football player ran over a guy and killed him. As I recall, the player paid off the family of the deceased and only did 30 days in the slammer. Where was Mr. Costas on this? Did he opine that easy access to alcohol and automobiles was responsible for this death?

Bob Costas

As you read this, know that by the time you finish, somewhere in America a fellow citizen will use a gun to stop a crime and save a life.

Opining on the Kansas City Chief football player who murdered his girlfriend and then blew out his own brains in front of his coach, the otherwise great sports announcer, Bob Costas, blamed the murder-suicide on easy access to guns. He lives in a strange fairyland of ignorance and denial.

If there were a free speech penalty for blundering ignorance, a penalty flag would have been tossed at Mr. Costas.

Just as we shouldn’t blame forks for obesity, pencils for spelling mistakes or water for drowning, trying to blame access to guns for the murder-suicide in Kansas City is chainsaw-juggling, woodchipper-diving bizzaro logic.


Complete text linked here.

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